We are very proud to announce the change of our firm name to include Ryan Briskin and Lauren Sherman. Under our new name Solomon, Sherman, Gabay, Briskin & Sherman we will continue to aggressively and with much care and concern serve our clients.
If You Want, We Will Come To You

Delaware County, PA Truck Accident Attorney

It can be unnerving seeing a commercial truck pull up alongside your vehicle on a Delaware County road or highway. It can be even more stressful when a commercial truck is driving directly behind you on the road. Not all truck drivers operate their vehicles in unsafe manners. However, there are some who tailgate, speed, change lanes excessively, and otherwise drive in an unsafe manner.

If you have suffered an injury in a truck accident, you need to seek medical care immediately. Then, you should consult an experienced truck accident attorney from Solomon, Sherman & Gabay about your case. We will conduct a thorough investigation, collect evidence, and build a case in your favor for compensation.

Common Causes of Delaware County Truck Accidents

There are hundreds of truck accidents that occur in Delaware County every year. Not all of them will result in injuries, serious injuries, or death. However, it’s still a dangerous accident that can change your life in an instant. The most common causes of truck accidents include the following:

  • Distracted driving
  • Impaired driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Speeding
  • Truck rollover
  • Blindspots
  • Underride
  • Jackknife
  • Tailgating
  • Lost load
  • Uneven load
  • Improperly secured load

This is not an exhaustive list of truck accident causes. Truck accidents also happen because of defective auto parts, improperly maintained trucks, inexperienced drivers, drowsy drivers, and many other reasons.

Steps to Take After a Delaware County Truck Accident

If you are ever involved in a truck accident, be sure to take the following steps to protect your rights and obtain the best medical care possible:

  1. Remain at the scene of the crash (even if the at-fault party fled)
  2. Call 911
  3. Move your vehicle to a safe location away from oncoming traffic if not seriously injured or there’s no serious damage to the vehicle
  4. Ask witnesses to speak to the police and obtain their contact information
  5. Take pictures of the crash scene, the vehicles involved, and your injuries
  6. Let emergency personnel examine you for injuries
  7. Accept transport to the hospital if it is recommended
  8. Follow all care instructions from the doctor
  9. Attend all follow-up appointments
  10. Call a Delaware County truck accident attorney from Solomon, Sherman & Gabay

Recovering Damages from a Truck Accident

According to the Pennsylvania statute of limitations, you have just two years from the date of the accident that left you injured to file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party. You can recover the following damages:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Renovations to your home to make it wheelchair accessible

You might also be awarded punitive damages by the judge if he or she determines that the truck driver acted maliciously.

Call Solomon, Sherman & Gabay to Schedule a Consultation

Did you or a loved one suffer an injury in a truck accident? The experienced Delaware County truck accident attorney at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay can ensure that your rights are protected as a victim. Call our office at 215-665-1100, or complete the contact form found on our website to schedule a consultation today.

Today To Set Up A Free Consultation.